2007세계일주/now, travelling

D+201-203 Isla del sol, Bolivia

boramina 2007. 10. 6. 15:59
Copacabana, familiar name from old pop song.
But I did not know where it was. Yes, it is lake side of Titicaca lake.
I took ferry to go to isla del sol (island of sun) from copacabana port.
I had to climb up hundreds stone stairs to go to hostel.
Oh, it was not easy with backpack of 13kg.

Rodriguez, bbikki, helped me to carry small bag. He suggested to carry big bag, but he was just a teenager(13years old)
I could not do that.
The hostel he recommend was full. He was so sad for that.
He took me to another hostel. I gave him 5 boliviano(600won) tip.
I walked to south in first day, to north in second day.
It was so quiet, peaceful rural area. Water is real blue color, too calm, sunshine is too strong.

I met students who was seeing atlas of the world.
I taught to them where my country was.

It is opposite side of your country. Is it so far, isn¨t it?
I showed them ¨Tae-gwun-do¨ and explained ¨Tae-guan-do¨ won ¨Garate¨
They wanted to teach them, but no, I am not good, sorry.
I met two boys on the way back.
I showed them ¨Tae-gwun-do¨too. They liked me, followed me. haha

One boy hide behind bush. They took me this picture, ¨Camino and me¨, road and me.
The blue jean hat is typical for young bolivian people.
My hat is from E-mart. Made in korea. I bought it in Puno, Peru. It was 4800won in Korea, I payed 1800won.
¨chon-s-raeh¨ But I believe quality of my country¨s industry.
The life in island is so poor. There is no running water. Donkeys carry water from spring.
There are not tractor or something. They grows grains with hands like hundred years ago.
But they always smiles at me, very kind.
I was poor too in island. I had not bought food before going to island.
There is no local restaurant. Touristic restaurant is too expensive (not expensive compared to other country, but comparatively)
For 48hours, the only things I eat were one ¨hat-ban¨ one bag of ¨kim¨, two bags of mocha gold coffee mix and 1.5L of water.

Thanks to Su-hee for those korean food. Those were really delicious.
When I left island, I was so dirty without shower for 2days, hungry, tired, and having sun-burn face with strong sunshine.
But I was really happy to meet island people, experience life of island.
Bolivia is poor country, the poorest country in south america.
But it is really beautiful, interesting, dynamic country I think.
Now, 200days have passed since I left. There are less days remained than passed.
Till now, any bad things have not happend. I hope to keep going like this till the end.
And then? I do not know, really do not know.

(with mexican friend Nacha, wearing typical hat of indigenous women.
I met her when I went to listen folklore music with her friend Vicky, and met next day again in but terminal.
She is going to Cochabamba to realize her dream, seeing the death place of Che Guevara.
He has been her dream from younger days, when she joined demonstration in 1968)