2007세계일주/now, travelling
D+95 Alexandria, Egypt
2007. 6. 18. 17:19
Have you ever heard of Bibliotheca Alexandria?
Long, Long time ago, there was a large library, having millions of books in Alexandria..
Of coure, now it disapperaed.
For the memory of the library, Egyption built new library in Alexandria.
Maybe British, French helped them a lot.
I think they built almost, not Egyptian.
If It is in Europe, I am surprised too.
But, It is in Egypt, I 'm much much surprised.
It's most beautiful, large, modern, harmonistic with emvironment library.
Also, one hour internet is free. So I write this in library.
I came here today for second time.
Yes, the thing is, I like libraries always.
Cairo is so crowded, noisy, hot, uncomfortable city.
If you want to cross the road, you must be brave.
Cars, people, they don't care each other.
Always I follwed Egyption. Guidebook said, you could use them for guard.
And pyramid.
The taxi driver took me to the camel office, not ticket office.
I yelled him loudly. He took me to ticket office docily.
You know, if you are angry, english gets better.
So just after two days, I left Cairo.
Alexandria, if there are not some bad smell, noisy cars, horse dongs in the street, you may misknow you are in Europe.
It's like Nice, or another Mediterranean city.
Wind from sea is cool, sun shines brightly.
Also there is this library.
I planned to go to Siwa oasis from here.
But I think it's too hot there.
I may stay in here a few more days.
And go to the Luxor. Yes, Luxor is hot too, hotter than oasis.
Although I don't like touristic place much, there are some places you must go.
Ramses, Abusimbel, etc.
Egyptians are nice people. Some people wants me only money.
But most people are kind to me.
And they look at me all the times, specially, men, children.
They may want to watch my hair.
Because most of muslim girl wear hijop(hair scarpe)
Also they think small asian girl beatiful.
All the men in the world think so, except Asian men.
I always smile at them, saying 'Allo', thinking I'm beautiful.
Yes, my princess disease relapse. I know.
Next time, I will try upload photos.
It is hot in Korea too, right?
Take care of you.